Where'd You Go?

See You In August
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Seoul, August 8th

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone

Please come back home...


Yesung has been sitting on the sofa anxiously at least for three hourse. Worry written clearly on his face as he looks at his phone screen for the umpteenth time. Sometimes he will stand, walk around the living room, or head to the kitchen to drink a glass of cold drink – only to calm his hazy mind.

Yesung bites his nails – a bad habit that he subconsciously does whenever he is nervous or anxious. He, now, looks at the sun through the large window near the sofa. The sun is almost gone, leaving a trace of gold line on the sky. The sound and the vibration coming from his cellphone surprise the guy.

He sighs loudly as the name written on the screen isn’t the one he expected before. Still, the guy slides the green icon.

“Yesung-ah, did Siwon called you?” Yesung can clearly hear worry on the voice of the lady who is calling him.

Just like a déjà vu, Yesung feels like this kind of moment has ever happened before. No. Maybe it’s more than just a déjà vu. Yesung has lost count how many times he had been in this similar situation before.

“No, he hasn’t called me, eomonim,” answered Yesung. He tries to sound as calm as possible despite his shaking hand. Yesung could imagine how worried the mother of the man she is asking right now.

“Didn’t you say he is coming this month? It is special month for you and Siwon, right? But why he is not coming yet? He didn’t even call me to tell me his whereabout and what he is doing.” Siwon’s mother sounds upset but Yesung knows he is simply being a worried mother.

“Don’t worry, eomonim. Siwon will be okay. It’s not his first time, right?”

“Have you seen the news this afternoon? The situation in Phillipines is getting worse. How can I not being worried?”

Yesung sighs inaudibly. Now, he just said wrong thing.

“Yes, Mother. I saw the news. Let’s just pray that there is nothing happen to Siwon. Maybe Siwon is still trying to find some way to contact us.”

“Alright… Alright. But make sure you call me right after that brat contact you.”

“Yes, Mother.”


Yesung finally stands from his sofa once the call ends and walks to his bedroom. The guy just throws himself on the bed and looks at the white ceiling above him.

Choi Siwon. His husband for three years. The guy never settles in one job. He works in different company or institution but always relate to two things – humanitarian and media. Siwon used to work in many respected media, from National Geographic to New York Times. He loves going to many different places and writing about issues related to humanity, politics, and even war. Siwon has been to many different famous places and also desserted and isolated area.

Siwon is well-known in his field. After getting married, Siwon decided to work as freelancer journalist. He sends news to many newspapers and magazines as he travels. Sometimes, he also works temporarily in an NGO or organization such as WHO, UNICEF, or UNESCO as Communication and Media Liaison. It is so common for Siwon to leave for two or three months for working, volunteering, and traveling at the same time.

Yesung never really complains about Siwon’s love of traveling and also his commitment to his job. For Yesung, Siwon’s bright smile on every picture he sent to Yesung is enough to make up for his absence. That bright smile and those eyes full of live are the ones that made him fall for the taller guy in the very first place.

Despite all the comments Yesung sometimes heard whenever he talked about Siwon, Yesung never once doubt Siwon’s love and faith for him. Others might see them as an odd couple. One really likes traveling while the other just prefer staying at home. Others might worry that they will break at one point since they have limited time spent together. But little they know that this has never been an issue for them. They just head over heels to each other and nothing can change it.

Of course, it is natural that there are times Yesung felt down and exhausted in their relationship. But whenever Siwon comes home, and embraces him in his muscular arms, Yesung feels everything will be fine. He knows their relationship will be just fine.

Since the beginning of their relationship, Yesung knew that he had to get used to a long distance relationship. But no matter how far Siwon traveled. No matter how long his trip was. The guy never, never once, missed coming back in August. The month is their s

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410 streak #1
Chapter 3: Rereading

It's really a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it ❤️
11 streak #2
Chapter 3: Great story
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 3: Great story! I miss reading Yewon stories
cloudykuro #4
Chapter 3: Just found this fic. I haven't realised that I miss reading yewon story that much until I read this...
Thx for writing this! ^^
Princeice #5
Chapter 3: happy ending happy ending,ikut bahagia kalo yewon sweet gini,di realnya daddy udah ngucapin ke mommy blm ya?yosh unn buat tewon yg sweet lagii yaaa
Princeice #6
Chapter 2: no no noooo daddy udah berjuang banget,knp mommy ngga dirumah?